CSA-EUR BBQ time in the Kralingse Plas

Yesterday was the final event of CSA-EUR before the summer which was a BBQ in the Kralingse Plas. There was some stress with organizing the BBQ. Last week I heared that 31 people registered for the BBQ so I was happy about that but I did not expect to hear a day before the BBQ that the number of people that registered was 60+. Yep 60+ people … and all of them came yesterday. πŸ™‚

Everyone that I spoke on the BBQ had a great time and enjoyed themselves. I’m really proud that the BBQ was such a huge succes and it was a great way to end the college year and a succesful and educational year for me with CSA-EUR. For the people that don’t know, I was the chairman of CSA-EUR this year.

It was nice to see a lot of familiar faces again and to meet new people that came along with their friends. I totally forgot to take pictures with my camera but I saw enough people with camera’s so it’s only a matter of collecting them so they can be posted on the CSA-EUR website, visit it to learn more about our young and growing organization. http://www.csa-eur.nl

The BBQ started at 3pm and we (as in CSA-EUR active members) were at the BBQ site at around 2:30pm to set up things. When we got there at 2:30 and started unloading all the stuff we had people were kind of staring at us like: “WTF are they going to do with all that stuff?”. It was kind of funny to see a small group of chinese carrying around three cars full of stuff. Anyway, we fired up the grill around 4pm and the first group of people came around that time. 6pm just about everyone was present and everyone was eating, drinking, playing cards/soccer/volleyball or just having a great time. The BBQ ended around 9pm and it was time to clean up all the crap we made with the BBQ.Afterwards a smaller group of 20 people went downtown to have a drink and to just chill and relax. Yeah I know, smaller isn’t exactely the word but compared with the 60+ it’s still smaller. πŸ˜›

Like I said in the beginning, it was a enjoyable day and a good ending of a great year with CSA-EUR.

I would like to thank all the people that helped out in making this year such a great succes for CSA-EUR!!! It was an honor to get to know all of you and to work together with you.

My fellow board members:
Nathaly, Yen Pan, Jason, Yee Tee.

Informal activities committee:
Rocky, Angela, Kafong & Kajang

Formal activities committee:
Elly, Shuhua, Chanelle

PR committee:
Silvia, Yunzhi, Siewman, Chunghei, Andruin

Fenfen, Jinyong, Tina