Finally it’s been nice weather here in London. The last week or so it’s been bloody hot and it finally seems to be getting warmer. 🙂 I am enjoying while it last, since apparently this kind of weather is rare over here. O_o
Well since my last update I can tell you that my surprise was successful! 😀 My sweetheart was sooo surprised to see me at her front door when I arrived. It was a lovely weekend and we had nice weather for most of it. That was 3 weeks ago and since then I have been back to Dutchland for for a few days. Business and pleasure, a combination I like. 🙂
I went back for a few days to discuss things at the Dutch office of TOPdesk concerning the release of the new version that was going to happen on the 15th of May at the TOPdesk Symposium in Breda. What a day that was, the launch of TOPdesk 5 with roughly 1150 customers attending the day. It was a huge success and so much bigger than the symposium 3 years ago when TOPdesk 4.2 was released. Big props to the symposium committee!
After that it’s been the usual work over here in London, travel to customers and doing implementations. But I also had a few more office days to get things done for launch of TOPdesk 5 here in the UK. This is going to happen on Wednesday the 13th of June and I will be a guest speaker … So I needed some more office time to prepare my presentation.
This weekend will be the Jubilee weekend and we have next week Monday & Tuesday off as well. And I will be on holiday for the whole week. No I am not going to NY to visit my girlfriend but she is coming over to London and visit me for a week. 😀 Can’t wait for her to arrive at Heathrow in two days from now. Hopefully the weather will be good but according to the weather forecast it’s going to be a lot cooler and a large change of rain 🙁 I just hope it stays dry but what can you do about the weather … hmmm maybe they should get some of those rockets that China used for the Olympics 4 years ago and make it rain somewhere on the ocean so it will be dry here during the Diamond Jubilee celebrations …